Pure Cork

Rebel Cork, cards, mugs, hoodies, art and more

Corkonians LOVE Cork, Boi! And every Rebel will enjoy these tributes to the unique lingo and culture of the Rebel City and County, like. Because everything about Cork is Massive. And Pure. And Daycent. You can use the search bar to explore the products available on this Pure Cork page. Enjoy browsing, and laughing out loud. Which you will, like.

Patrick's Hill Print

Patrick's Hill Print

from €30.00

Come ‘ere to me Feens. Come ‘ere to me Beours. You know the wy Cork has it’s own Lingo? Of course ya do - ya wouldn’t be a Pure Cork Rebel if ya didn’t, like. Well this image of Patrick’s Hill celebrates that Me Daza Lingo, boi!

There’s a rake - or langerload - of Pure Cork words and phrases on da bulidings, and da street signs, too, like!

And just because I know every Pure Cork Rebel only loves da Franks Song After All, and LOVES CORK ALMOST AS MUCH AS THEIR LOVES THEIR PURE DAYCENT MAM, I have that song singing in the Cork Sky.

Later Feens. Laaaaater!

Patricks Hill Print:
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Nancy Spains Print Nancy Spains2.jpg

Nancy Spains Print

from €30.00
Franks Framed-01.jpg After All - Franks Poster-01.jpg

Frank And Walters

from €30.00